What is a first look? In simple terms it is when the couple sees each other on their wedding day before the ceremony. Traditionally, the bride and groom don’t see each other until the bride walks down the aisle. In recent years, first looks have started gaining popularity. People love the pictures of the bride sneaking up on the anxiously awaiting groom. First looks aren’t for everyone but if you are weighing the pros and cons here are five reasons to do a first look.

You’re getting married in late fall or winter and the sun sets too early.
If you’re getting married in late fall or winter the sun might set too early to get pictures with natural light. Natural light is when the sun is used as the light source for pictures. It is best to check with your photographer to see if they use flash photography. If they don’t, opting for a first look will allow you to get pictures with natural light. Using natural light will allow your photographer to capture the best pictures of you and your future spouse.
You want to go to your cocktail hour.
If you don’t do a first look chances are you’ll need to take pictures during your cocktail hour! If you want to spend cocktail hour having a drink with your spouse, indulging in appetizers or just catching up with your guests. A first look might also be for you.
You’re nervous for your ceremony.
If you’re nervous about being the center of attention or reading your vows. Seeing your spouse before the ceremony will help relax your nerves and put your mind at ease! Having a first look won’t ruin the moment of you walking down the aisle because there will be so much emotion built up about marrying your spouse.
You want a private moment with your spouse.
It will allow you to have a private moment with your spouse to soak up the special day! You’ll spend the whole day surrounded by friends and family. So it’ll be hard to sneak away for a private moment during your reception! A first look allows for you to spend more of the day together instead of apart.
You want to look your best (We know you’ll look incredible the whole day!)
Doing pictures before the ceremony allows you to look your best! Your makeup will be fresh, you haven’t cried off the bottom lash line of mascara. Your hair won’t have curls falling out of place or be frizzy. You’ll also have less opportunities to get your attire dirty or wrinkled.

In the end doing a first look is up to you! If you have always envisioned not seeing your spouse until you’re walking down the aisle. A first look may not be for you. Hire Dream Weddings to help you create a timeline, that makes sure you get that fifteen minutes alone with your spouse and have enough time to spend with your guests.